PR: Veterans Talk to be on Access Channel 5
Published October 30, 2016
'American's Veterans' is a talk given by Ira Cooperman to the Chautauqua Men's Club on August 19, 2016 covering his experience serving as an intelligence officer during the Vietnam War. He recounts the loss of fellow Air Force First Lieutenant, Vincent Chiarello, who was aboard an electronic mission aircraft shot down by a North Vietnamese fighter airplane over Laos in July 1966, subsequent US Air Force communications with the Chiarello family, and return of Vincent's remains several decades later. Discussion during the program also covered current programs for veterans.
The program will air beginning November 5 through November 11 at 1:00 PM and 7:00 PM each day.
Access Channel 5 is available to cable viewers in the Chautauqua, Mayville, North Harmony, Portland, Sherman, and Westfield areas, and can be found on channel 5 with a cable converter or on 5.3 on digital televisions without a cable converter.
The program may also be viewed after the initial airing at the station's web site
Access Channel 5 is available to cable viewers in the Chautauqua, Mayville, North Harmony, Portland, Sherman, and Westfield areas, and can be found on channel 5 with a cable converter or on 5.3 on digital televisions without a cable converter.
The program may also be viewed after the initial airing at the station's web site