Access Chautauqua
formerly Access Channel 5
PR: Cassadaga Wind Farm Hearing to Televise
Published January 15, 2017

Public Hearing comments on the proposed Cassadaga Wind Farm will be aired on Access Channel 5 at 12:35 PM and again at 6:35 PM each day from January 21 through January 27. Some 21 concerned citizens spoke to a 3-judge panel, for or against the project. EverPower Wind Holdings LLC is completing the final steps for a wind project of some 58 giant wind turbines (330 feet each) to be constructed over 40,000 acres of farm and recreation land in the towns of Cherry Creek, Charlotte, Arkwright and Stockton. Area residents expressed concerns over potential falling property values, sleep deprivation and other health impacts from noise and blade flicker, bat and bird kills etc. Union members praised the project, citing jobs that would be created. Public comments can be sent to until March 7, 2017. The January 9 meeting was filmed by Snowshoefilms, a Mayville-based film group.

Access Channel 5 is available to cable viewers in the Chautauqua, Mayville, North Harmony, Portland, Sherman, and Westfield areas, and can be found on channel 5 with a cable converter or on 5.3 on digital televisions without a cable converter.

The program may also be viewed after the initial airing at the station's web site